How Do We Do Beard Transplantation?

  • 15 Aralık 2020 12:56
How Do We Do Beard Transplantation?

Beard Transplant

If there is no hair growth or hair loss in the mustache, beard and sideburns of men, transplantation is performed. Hair follicles taken from the neck are transplanted to the area where mustache and beard will be planted. Only the FUE method should be applied in beard, mustache and sideburn transplants. Thanks to this technique, the success rate of an experienced team is 100%. If there is a regional beard loss, the transplantation is planned in the surrounding beard density and harmonized with the environment. If the beard is not completely absent, then it can be transplanted between 1000-2000 roots depending on the frequency and limit the person wants. If only the mustache area is transplanted, between 400-800 roots is sufficient. The beard normally grows singly or in pairs and at different angles in each part of the face. Generally, when 500-1,000 grafts (roots) are transplanted to someone who has no mustache, the appearance of a corner is removed. In beard transplantation, 1,000 to 2,500 grafts (roots) are transplanted. In favorite transplantation, 750 to 1.500 grafts (roots) are planted. When mustache, beard and sideburns are transplanted with the FUE method, it is so natural that the barber cannot perceive that it is transplanting while shaving.

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