Hair Transplant

Hair Trasnplant

Hair transplantation This is a treatment method that involves removing hair follicles using various methods and transplanting the roots into the affected areas. There are basically two types of hair transplant methods FUE and DHI.


Before Hair Transplant Results


Before Hair Transplant Results

What is hair transplantation?

The first of these methods is the fut method, this technique has developed over time and is presented as the FUE method by minimizing the negative aspects and benefits. The FUE method leaves virtually no scarring. This method is used as much as possible in almost all hair transplants.

Regardless of the method used for hair transplantation, certain steps are necessary for these procedures. These steps have a very important place before and after the procedure. The basic steps are the extraction of the roots taken from the back of the person's head, the opening of the canals where the roots will be placed and the transplantation of these roots into the canals.


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For example: It should be visible from the top, the profile of the right-left side and the back.

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If the donor area is not sufficient for the operation, the hair specialist can harvest from the chest or the beard. The aesthetic center will use the donor area effectively and patients need to speak with the hair specialist or the aesthetic center face to face and make a decision for the removal of other areas.

How is the hair transplant performed?

Hair transplantation should be performed by hair specialists and their teams under local anesthesia in sterile conditions of the operating room. Cylindrical micro motors head is used to remove the grafts and it must be done one by one from the donor area. The smallest possible motor tips should be used in the extraction of the grafts, thus avoiding damage to the backhead area and giving a natural appearance in the hair removal area. The number of grafts that can be harvested is in parallel with the density and quality of hair in the donor area. Once the graft is harvested, it is saved to be used later in the transplantation.

The PRP (platelet-rich plasma) procedure, which is included in our surgeries, separates proteins from the blood and injects them back into the scalp, which promotes cell regeneration and strengthens the transplanted grafts. PRP also supports the skin in the hair transplant area. If the patient has thin hair, PRP has a beneficial effect on these areas as well.

The hairline is also important in hair transplant operations. This hairline should be created naturally as before. The hair specialist must know the patient's expectations regarding the creation of the hairline. This hairline should be designed according to the physical condition of the patient. The age of the patient, the type of bone in the forehead are important variables in the creation of a hairline.

The next step is the opening of the canals. The canals are opened with a sapphire blade. The tips of the aforementioned fronds are specially designed and their shape characteristic allows to open the canals horizontally. The opening of the channels on these silhouettes allows for the addition of hair at the closest angles to nature. This feature is the most important basic element that will give the hair transplant a natural look.

How do they develop after the hair transplant?

After the transplant process, the hair bodies of the transplanted hair are lost during the first month. Later, as the 3rd month approaches, new hair begins to grow and by the end of the 6th month, the new hair grows at a rate of 50%. During the remaining period of 6 months, all hair will be recovered. The hair that grows after this process is completely natural.

How to understand the best hair transplant centers?

There are many clinics, private doctors and hospitals that offer hair transplant treatments. Although it does not lead to vital results, hair transplantation, which is very important in terms of aesthetics, affects people physically and psychologically.

It is very important to know who performs these operations in the hair transplant center, is it the doctor who performs the operation or his/her team. Since these treatments and operations require serious surgical equipment, that should only be used once and kept in a sterile environment at 250C also performed by hair transplant team that has completed its health education. Hospitals and medical centers that have a certificate approved by the Ministry of Health to perform these treatments must be selected. In addition, the places where these treatments are selected must have a sterilized environment and not contain air pollution. The hair transplation center must provide assistance after transplantation for the psychological and physiological healing of the patient. Again the hair transplatation hospital should be able to provide physical proofs of before patients and real-life returns.


Frequently Asked Questions in Hair Transplantation

Contrary to what is known, as in other surgeries, there is an age limit for hair transplantation. This procedure can be applied to anyone between the ages of 20 and 65.

Since a painless local anesthetic is applied to the person at first, only a little pain occurs during the first few minutes of anesthesia. However, there is no pain during the procedure.
The main reason for shaving the hair in normal operations is that the doctor and hair transplant team can see the hair follicles more easily and mobility in the transplant area is more comfortable. The DHI technique is the most commonly used technique for hair transplantation without shaving and can be applied to the empty area up to 3500 grafts. However, during the FUE technique without shaving, since the visibility of the area is less, there will be a smaller amount of transplanted grafts.
He/she should take a break for two weeks. After two weeks, light sports activities such as walking and jogging can be practiced. Sports such as weightlifting, soccer and similar sports with risks such as getting hitting and punching should be suspended for at least 1 month.
We can see that the hair grows 3 months after the transplanted roots. The obvious effect of the hair transplant is observed after 6 months. In the area where the graft is applied, the hair grows completely and becomes lush after 9-12 months.

You can use scissors after 6 months for the transplanted area and a razor is not recommended for 1 year. The donor area can be normally corrected with a razor after 1 month.
In order to prevent the edema (swelling) from falling on the forehead and face, it is advantageous for the patient to wear a bandana (with elastic, not too tight).
The main reasons for hair loss are iron deficiency, stress, hormonal disorders, unbalanced diet, professional excuse; A spill is observed in situations that may be genetic, constant wearing of cap or helmet, working in chemical environments. Application; Only a small area of the head is cut for the harvesting of grafts, except that there is no visible trace of this cut if you have long hair. The DHI method is frequently used to cover baldness without cutting the transplant area.
Although the FUE technique is also used, the DHI technique is the preferred method for our patients who wish to undergo beard and eyebrow transplantation with a higher healing time and success rate. It is necessary to fill this area with hair roots from the donor area.
The hair transplant takes 5 to 8 hours. This depends on the hair type of the patient. If the hair is either thin or frizzy the removal of the roots are harder, that's why the lenght of the procedure will be assessed after first graft removal.
Hair transplantation is the fastest and most effective solution for a person suffering from baldness. Hair stops falling out at the age of 40 for men. Depending on the baldness and the donor area of the person, the specialist will decide on the best solution for the patient, either a surgical or non-surgical treatment. The hair transplant will remain for life and you will always be able to do a second session of densification if you deem it necessary.
It is necessary to wait at least 6 months for the second transplantation process. Complete hair growth on the upper part of the head takes about six months. This time is also necessary for the donor site to recover.
Individuals undergoing hair transplantation should prefer front buttoned clothing, such as a shirt and vest, for the day of surgery and the days following surgery to avoid chafing and to dress easily.

They should not go to the sea for 1 month and to the sauna for 1 month too.
A special diet is not recommended after hair transplantation, the person continues her normal diet.

Esteda Hair Hospital
Hair Transplant

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